By Jonathan Terry, DO, ABIHM In UncategorizedPosted July 29, 2015MTHFR gene polymorphismGenetic diseases remain a topic of interest both in the medical community and the general public. Chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, certain cancers, and mental illness have all been [...] READ MORE
By Jonathan Terry, DO, ABIHM In Alternative Medicine Systems, Anthocyandins, Beta Carotene, CoQ10, Cystene, Dementia, Folate, Glutathione, Herbs and Supplements, Lipoic Acid, Melatonin, Mental Health, Mind-Body Medicine, Nervous System, Phosphatidylserine, Stress Reduction, Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B12 Supplementation, Vitamin B12 Supplementation, Vitamin CPosted January 5, 2015Supplements and DementiaStudies suggest that a number of vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants play a role in brain health and the treatment of dementia. READ MORE
By Jonathan Terry, DO, ABIHM In Alternative Medicine Systems, Calcium, Folic Acid, Herbs and Supplements, Iron, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Pregnancy, Prenatal Vitamins, Reproductive System, Vitamin DPosted January 5, 2015Nutrition Supplementation During PregnancyThis article outlines essential nutrients in order to maintain the health of both mom and baby during the pregnancy. READ MORE